Registration Form
You may arrive before the Rally starts, however the official start of the Rally will be at skippers meeting Sunday the 10th of August at 9:00 AM.
In the evening there will be a welcome barbeque in the big tent.
Last full day of the Rally is Friday the 15th of august, with a farewell dinner in the evening.
You may depart hereafter whenever it suits you. You may also stay longer at the campsite.
At Rantzausminde Campsite we have our own area for the Rally 2025, where there is plenty of space for all tents, mobile homes and caravans.
There are no cabins for rent at the campsite!
We will assist owersea's participants, with arranging rental of caravans or booking of Bed & Breakfast close to the campsite.
Please indicate your wishes when registering and feel free to use the comment field for further elaboration.