FAQ Frequently asked Questions:

Here we will maintain a list of qustions and answers to Rally 2025.


Habour in Svendborg



Dates for expected arrival and departure, as well as official start and end of Rally 2025?

You may arrive earlier but we are expecting most participants to arrive on Saturday, 9th August.

Sunday, 10th will be the first day where we start with skippers meeting in the morning at 9:00 and with the first official daysailing of the rally.

Friday, 15th  will be the last day of sailing. In the evening we will have farewell dinner.

Departure will be on Saturday, 16th or whenever you like.

Where do I find Rantzausminde Camping Denmark?

Rantzausminde Camping: Rantzausmindevej 215, 5700 Svendborg.  Host: Birgitte Rasmussen     Phone: + 45 20 30 61 12.    Web page: http://rantzausmindecamping.dk/

Longitude: 10.526527999      Latitude: 55.032291

How much tide do you have at Rantzausminde, where the Wayfares are moored to poles?
Normal tide is approx. 0,3 m between high tide and low tide.
The area where the Wayfarers are moored is sandy and shallow: 0,3 - 0,6 m. There are no stones.
The wind and shift in wind directions may have a impact on the sea level.
Sometimes (very seldom), the area where the Wayfarers are moored, dries out if the wind suddenly changes to strong, and if the direction is West or South West.
There are no small waves, so we will not have problems with sand in the centerboard cage, when it dries out.
If the wind suddenly changes to East the sea level may rise to approx. 1 m.
How can I pay for the camping fee and electric power at the camping site?
Sorry: You can only pay with DKK in cash at the camping site.
Birgitte do not take credit cards!

In Svendborg there are several banks ATM machines, where you can withdraw DKK in cash. If you have problems in finding a bank, we will help you.